Hell o friends... what follows next is my version of the Dark Lord swiping away on the day of reckoning. The style was based on a previous comic i used to do for SESSION skateboarding magazine a couple of years ago called "No dogs body". This one is not finished yet but is being pitched for a new comic book brought out by Mark Kannemyer (Lorcan White" early next year. He might not go for it because its more of a cut and paste than it is drawn but the sense of humour is still there so i hope he goes for it. It was the first time i ever did something in Afrikaans and it felt a bit weird making something out of childhood fairy tales that used to keep me awake at night... If old Nick pulls in here one day i hope it would be like this or rather this is how i envisioned it... with all those penis balloons firing randomly at all the humans running like sheep all along the beach. I should probably ad some trumpets too. I got the devil from the first Slayer album called "Show no mercy" but i will talk more about that when the blasted thing is finished ! So here is a sneak peek of the tale simply called BOK NAAI.

And then there is the quote of the month "We are looking for a few outstanding individuals..." on the opening page of the Church of satan website and i thought to myself. "I could be that individual..."

In my church they all looked like that. Good times.
Yes, it was inevitable - like seeing the loose wheelnut on an 18 wheeler - it was just a matter of time...
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