About a week ago Warren and myself left the Jim Neversink show at the Bohemian very emotional. It was one of the best live gigs i had ever seen. They are apparently busy recording at the moment right now or they have finished but i found out that they did not have a album cover yet so i started working on one earlier this week to pitch to them. The idea was based on these old pinball machine parts i had and some of the tables plans that i found on the internet. The cover parts were scanned in from silkscreen prints i had from a second hand shop called STUFF i used to work in. I called up Micheal (Jim) and asked him what the album title was and he said "Shaky is good", which i thought was suprisingly very related to the pinball idea, like when your tilting the machine or something. Anyway Warren supplied the photos from a drunken fashion shoot we did one night at back to Basics, allthough the shots had been used in STAGE magazine (all but one) we are planning on doing a new shoot to suit the band if they agree on the idea...

dig deeper but never sink, and stop picking your nose. random, speaking in tongues. zabalaza.
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