I made this one this morning, Nul is by far one of Loyd and mines favorites at the Bohemian. When i forwarded the mailer to them the lead guy had no clue what it was about and thought i had sent him an invoice of some kind before looking at it... but he was pleased at the end. The coil in the middle is a Tesla Coil and i was gonna use X ray machines as the main graphic but then i found these old X Ray specs that used to be in the back of comics and probably still is... oh and thanks to Mr Neon for pointing out the spelling mistake.
Seeing that I hang out at the Bohemian almost every day i decided to make mailers for all the bands i like that's playing there this month regardless whether the band likes them or not I'm gonna mail them out. Jaxon once pointed out in an earlier post (A few outstanding individuals) that the priests of the Satanic church looked similar to Catholic priests. I found these two nuns and they looked heavy, solid and really on edge. I would not be surprised if nuns can rally shoot Lazar beams from their eyes to kill stray poodles...
If there is one place in the world that i would love to be it would be here at this gig on the 25th of August. DEVO is the original pioneers of basically every form of modern alternative rock as we know it. Go find the truth about the pioneers who got scalped at www.clubdevo.com.