“Forcing yourself to write is not really relevant
The pace at which your hand travels is uncontrollably generous
and blissfully pain full
as you remind yourself about the contradictions you live in
at least right now its providing a certain gap
to produce a incompetent relief in between breathing spaces
left by the injustice of my frail mind...” - Rick De la ray
Benny, a huge gap has been left in our society of lunatics that chose to question where others accept. a persons life gets measured by the good memories that you leave in other peoples minds when you are gone. your social adventures allowed you access to the vaults of many hearts and thoughts. there is no doubt about the fact that you have always been a example to many, for even at your young age, have you lived a lot more than most. I for one am not going to be sad becuase there is no reason to be sad about the memories that you have left behind. can i get three cheers to a fellow connoisseur of dodgy bars and dirty pool tables ! - love stefan st(e)ak Naude